Listen then arrange the following notes.
1- Jason, Jim called. He’s bought refreshments. He wants you to buy some snacks for tomorrow.
2- Andy called. He wants you to pick him up at 8 a.m. His address is 27 Park Drive. Go south on Main St. At the lights, turn right onto 10th Ave. Then turn left onto the second street. It’s the blue house on the right.
3- John called. He wants you to bring your brother’s volleyball net tomorrow.
4- Charles called. He wants you to bring another pair of flippers and an extra mask tomorrow.
هل كانت الإجابة مفيدة؟
Listen then arrange the following notes.، هذا سؤال اليوم وإجابة الطالب السريعة هي هي 1- Jason, Jim called. He’s bought refreshments. He wants you to buy some snacks for tomorrow. 2- Andy called. He wants you to pick him up at 8 a.m. His address is 27 Park Drive. Go south on Main St. At the lights, turn right onto 10th Ave. Then turn left onto the second street. It’s the blue house on the right. 3- John called. He wants you to bring your brother’s volleyball net tomorrow. 4- Charles called. He wants you to bring another pair of flippers and an extra mask tomorrow.
إذا كنت تستعد لامتحان أو تحتاج لفهم موضوع معين بسرعة، فإن "فاست أنسر" يوفر لك الحلول بدقة وسرعة، اجعل موقعنا شريكك المثالي في النجاح طوال العام الدراسي.
استخدام "فاست أنسر" يوميًا سيعزز من مستواك الدراسي ويجعلك جاهزًا لكل اختبار، لا تضيع الوقت في البحث الطويل، فقط استعن بالموقع لتحصل على الإجابة في ثوانٍ قليلة.
والآن حل سؤال Listen then arrange the following notes. هو
الإجابة هي" هي 1- Jason, Jim called. He’s bought refreshments. He wants you to buy some snacks for tomorrow. 2- Andy called. He wants you to pick him up at 8 a.m. His address is 27 Park Drive. Go south on Main St. At the lights, turn right onto 10th Ave. Then turn left onto the second street. It’s the blue house on the right. 3- John called. He wants you to bring your brother’s volleyball net tomorrow. 4- Charles called. He wants you to bring another pair of flippers and an extra mask tomorrow.
الوقت المستغرق لتحميل الصفحة: 0.017 ثانية
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